
October 2009
1st Global Network Conference on RECP in Luzerne
October 2011
2nd Global Network Conference on RECP in Nairobi
September 2013
3rd Global Network Conference on RECP in Montreux
October 2015
4th Global Network Conference on RECP in Davos

RECP in Action

The Global Network for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production

GreenCo Rating System Piloted throughout India

SMEs have reported an annual saving of USD 110,000 because of GreenCo interventions.

The GreenCo Rating System is an effort pioneered by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre to determine how well individual companies perform according to select ‘green’ criteria.

The rating system, promoted together with UNIDO, offers an innovative assessment method for RECP across a wide variety of manufacturing sectors in India. To date, 225 companies are pursing the rating programme, out of which 95 have already been certified according to the system’s three-tiered ranking.  GreenCo Rating has also found high interest amongst SMEs, with 34 SME units registered and 6 already certified.

Click here to read more, or contact CII – Godrej GBC.

Green Credit Trust Fund, Viet Nam

The GCTF has helped pay for new plastic forming equipment, operating on 50% less energy

With the support of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of Switzerland, the Viet Nam Cleaner Production Centre has led an effort to introduce the Green Credit Trust Fund (GCTF) – a financial support mechanism for technology innovation investment in Viet Nam’s SMEs.

Long-term investments in the environmental upgrade of SMEs are achieved thanks to a reduction of the demand on collateral (50% guarantees) and a partial reimbursement (up to 25 %) of the invested capital, based on the environmental impact resulting from the investment.

The programme is currently being applied in around 80 SMEs and has helped finance a number of RECP measures resulting in improved environmental performance of manufacturing enterprises.

Click here to read more, or contact the Viet Nam Cleaner Production Centre.

Towards the Implementation of an Eco-Label, Tunisia

The Eco-Label was introduced in 14 enterprises

Within the framework of the European Commission’s LIFE-Third Countries Programme,  CITET Tunisia has  established an Eco-Label Programme aiming to set up  a national tool with the required  legal, institutional and technical bases. The Programme further sets out to raise awareness among stakeholders in order to encourage consumers to select environmentally sustainable products.

The Tunisian Eco-Label is of ISO Type 1 and was established by decree n° 1355- 2007 on 4 June 2007. It  is a voluntary certification scheme to be delivered by the National Institute of Standardization and Industrial Property following a verification of a product’s compliance with a set of technical and ecological criteria during its entire life cycle.

For more information, contact the Tunis International Center for Environmental Technologies (CITET).

Implementing RECP on a Regional Level in East Africa

35-50% LESS pollution
20-40% LESS water/energy/materials use

The Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project, coordinated by the Kenya National Cleaner Production Centre, brings together RECPnet Members from Rwanda, Uganda, UR Tanzania, and the Burundi Ministry of Trade, Industry, Posts and Tourism (Cleaner Production Unit) to spread the uptake of RECP in the East Africa region.

By conducting baseline studies, training trainers and carrying out in-plant assessments in nearly 200 enterprises,  the project has contributed to USD 15 million in annual savings, from an initial private sector investment of USD 79 million in RECP technologies.

Click here to read more, or contact Kenya National Cleaner Production Centre

RECP Assessments in the Textile and Pulp and Paper Sector, India

4,883 t/yr FEWER GHGs
50,490 M3 LESS wastewater

RECP assessments carried out in the Indian textile and pulp and paper sectors by Gujarat CPC have yielded significant benefits in economic, environmental and social terms. Assessments were carried out in 11 different industrial sites, focusing on the identification and implementation of best available techniques and technologies.

As a result, 1,300 tons of raw material, 698 MWh of electricity and 238,976 m3 of water were saved per year. This brought additional economic gains of approximately USD 1 million per year.

For more information, contact Gujarat Cleaner Production Centre.

Reducing Water Use and Waste in the Cassava Starch Industry, China

47.37% LESS water used
11% LESS waste produced

To meet the requirements of increasingly strict environmental protection regulations in China, the factory chose RECP options intended to reduce water usage and waste-water generation. As a direct positive consequence, the quality and final price of products improved, thereby creating an economic benefit in addition to the environmental ones.

Click here for the full RECP Experience at Anning Starch Co., Ltd

Planning and Developing a Sustainable Industrial Park, Argentina

Parque Industrial Sustentable_Municipo de Ubajay

Creating industrial symbioses

Saw mills and related industrial activity near one of Argentina’s most visited national parks threaten to disrupt the fragile ecosystems in the area and negatively impact the environment. Centro Tecnológico para la Sustentabilidad (CTS) was asked by the municipal government  to conduct an environmental impact assessment, on the basis of which CTS proposed an innovative solution, namely the development of a sustainable industrial park that would take advantage of all resources in an environmentally-friendly way, by implementing RECP and industrial symbisosis.

Click here to read more (in Spanish), or contact Centro Tecnológico para la Sustentabilidad, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

Reducing Waste and Increasing Product Yield in the Textile Industry, Tanzania

15% LESS energy used
7% LESS waste-water generated

By implementing RECP, MUTEX increased its product yield from 89% to 94%, enhanced energy and water efficiency, and introduced a new product, Khanga –Batik, which allowed it to overcome its seasonal dependency.

Click here for the full RECP Experience at Musoma Textile Mills Tanzania Limited (MUTEX)

Reducing Emissions and Water Consumption in the Beverage Industry, Serbia

23% LESS energy used
6% LESS materials used

With a vision of becoming a regional leader in the production of mineral water, Knjaz Milos decreased energy consumption by 1% , raw material use by 21 % and greenhouse gas emissions by 436 t CO2e. Additionally, product quality improved and materials that were previously wasted were partially recovered.
Click here for the full RECP Experience at Knjaz Milos Arandjelovac.

Reducing Electricity Consumption and Material Use in the Oil Industry, Egypt

23% LESS energy used 6% LESS materials used

23% LESS energy used
6% LESS materials used

Extracted Oils and Derivatives selected RECP options to target high water and electricity consumption. Total electricity costs were reduced by 23% and the installation of a powder dust collector not only created environmental benefits, but also improved the working environment.

Click here for the full RECP Experience at Extracted Oils and Derivatives.

Reducing Emissions and Improving Energy Efficiency in the Asphalt Industry, El Salvador

23.98% LESS energy used
64% HIGHER energy productivity

ASFALCA set out to was approached to conduct an innovation assessment to determine technical components of increasing material and energy efficiency. Though the main focus was chemical management, a direct positive consequence was reduced energy consumption in the dyeing process, which increased the value of final products.

Click here for the full RECP Experience at ASFALCA.